[[PageOutline]] = 6 Case 1b: WimaxRF-Aggr Mgr Software Installation, Configuration and Operation = 6.1 Key Configuration Parameters These are the key parameters, that are gathered and then held in the wimaxrf.yaml configuration file. Please modify the ip address of the asngw and bs sections. # NOTE: use only 'spaces' to indent ! # ('tab' indents are not supported by the ruby yaml parser used to read this file) # # This is the Config file for the WiMAXRF GridService # --- wimaxrf: asngw: if: eth1 ip: port: 2231 id: ASNGW000 tecnh: 3 dsc: IP-Config-Mgmt click: def_gw: net_mask: def_ip: bs: ip: mask: bsid: 44:51:db:00:00:01 frequency: 2590000 5.3.3 Install Required Packages ¶ 1. Configure apt/sources to include mytestbed.net and orbit-lab.org. Edit the /etc/apt/sources.list and add the following lines: deb http://pkg.mytestbed.net/ubuntu karmic/ deb http://packages.orbit-lab.org/ubuntu jaunty main 2. Update information based on the changed sources.list. sudo apt-get update 3. Now install the ASN-GW software sudo apt-get install asn-gw0.9.0 click1.6.0 omf-wimaxrf-aggmgr-5.2 5.6 Configuration of ASN-GW Controller ¶ Configuration of software both for the ASN-GW and the WiMAX BTS is done through a single yaml configuration file on the ASN. To enable the features we will need to copy the modified wimaxrf.yaml from /etc/omf-aggmgr-5.2/available to /etc/omf-aggmgr-5.2/enabled/. Remove all other services that are pre-installed in /etc/omf-aggmgr-5.2/enabled/ as the other services are used in Case 2 installation. Execute the init-wimax.rb file. The file imports all MIBs into local libraries. This needs to be done only once during initialization. ruby /usr/share/omf-aggmgr-5.2/omf-aggmgr/ogs_wimaxrf/init-wimax.rb 5.8.4 WimaxRF Grid Service operation ¶ 1. Start the omf aggregate manager. This is required for the grid service to be in operation. /etc/init.d/omf-aggmgr-5.2 restart 2. Check the service starts by looking at the process table as well as tailing the logs /var/log/omf-aggmgr-5.2.log root 31394 1 0 Jan24 ? 00:08:53 ruby1.8 -I/usr/share/omf-aggmgr-5.2 -I/usr/share/omf-common-5.2 /usr/share/omf-aggmgr-5.2/omf-aggmgr/ogs.rb --port 5052 3. Start a web browser on the asn_gw. Make sure the WimaxRf? grid service is working. localhost:5052/wimaxrf 4. The web page has all the commands the service supports Get Basestation Static Parameter Get information about the Base Station Restart the Base Station Restore Base Station parameters from saved configuration Set Basestation Static Parameter Get status of WiMAX RF service Test service 5. Saving and Restoring BTS config Before starting any experiments, save the xml page output for the following web page localhost:5052/wimaxrf/get?all To restore the BTS in any event,visit the page localhost:5052/wimaxrf/restore Upload the golden xml file you saved earlier and then visit localhost:5052/wimaxrf/restart Ping the BTS machine and make sure the changes are reflected by pulling up the BTS config.