= Measurement and Power Control = == cqichupdateinterval == Update interval of transmitting CQICH (Channel Quality Indicator CHannel) allocation IE (Information Element). (Units: frames), Values: {40,80,160,320,640}, Default: 640 == powreportduration == Duration of tx power report. (Units: frames), Values: [1,15], Default: 8 {{{ Set MEASUREMENT & POWER CONTROL parameters @@@Text for gtb4_int@@@ (2800) @@@Text for dl_cn_list.3@@@ (14 (QPSK 3/4)) @@@Text for dl_cn_list_b.0@@@ (8 (QPSK 1/2 x4)) @@@Text for ul_cn_override2@@@ (0x444423221234800C) @@@Text for cl_power_adjust@@@ (0) @@@Text for subch_threshold@@@ (0x54575A) @@@Text for dl_cn_list_a.6@@@ (23 (64QAM 1/2)) @@@Text for dl_cn_list_b.9@@@ (28 (64QAM 5/6)) @@@Text for subch_limit@@@ (0x04080402) @@@Text for dl_cn_list_a.1@@@ (9 (QPSK 1/2 x2)) @@@Text for matrix_control_interval@@@ (200) @@@Text for dl_cn_list_b.4@@@ (15 (16QAM 1/2)) @@@Text for la_ul@@@ (0) @@@Text for dl_cn_list.7@@@ (25 (64QAM 2/3)) Report interval of REP-REQ/RSP. (Units: frames) [0..255] (200) @@@Text for dl_cn_list_b@@@ (0x08090A0E0F1417191B1C) @@@Text for gtb2_int@@@ (3800) @@@Text for dl_cn_list.2@@@ (10 (QPSK 1/2)) Report interval for CQICH. [0..3] (3) @@@Text for dl_cn_list_a.5@@@ (20 (16QAM 3/4)) Threshold of tx power report. (Units: db) [1..15] (15) @@@Text for openloop_mode_chg@@@ (2) @@@Text for subch_limit.3@@@ (2 (limit value of class3 after Enty)) Update interval for rate control. (Units: frames) [1..1024] (200) @@@Text for dl_cn_list_b.8@@@ (27 (64QAM 3/4)) @@@Text for subch_enable@@@ (0) @@@Text for dl_cn_list_a.0@@@ (8 (QPSK 1/2 x4)) @@@Text for dl_cn_list_b.3@@@ (14 (QPSK 3/4)) @@@Text for ni_avg_factor@@@ (0) @@@Text for dl_cn_list.6@@@ (23 (64QAM 1/2)) CINR reports content. (0) @@@Text for dl_cn_list_a.9@@@ (28 (64QAM 5/6)) @@@Text for gtb1_int@@@ (0) @@@Text for dl_cn_list.1@@@ (9 (QPSK 1/2 x2)) @@@Text for dl_phy_quality@@@ (0) @@@Text for subch_threshold.2@@@ (90 (threshold of class3 after Enty)) @@@Text for dl_cn_list_a.4@@@ (15 (16QAM 1/2)) @@@Text for cl_power_waittime@@@ (10) @@@Text for pwcon_mode@@@ (2) @@@Text for subch_limit.2@@@ (4 (limit value of class2 after Enty)) @@@Text for dl_cn_list_a@@@ (0x08090A0E0F1417191B1C) @@@Text for rssi_ave_rep@@@ (0x03) @@@Text for dl_cn_list_b.7@@@ (25 (64QAM 2/3)) @@@Text for mng_ulburst_pwr_offset@@@ (0) @@@Text for dl_cn_list.5@@@ (22 (16QAM 3/4)) @@@Text for report_func_select@@@ (1) @@@Text for dl_cn_list_b.2@@@ (10 (QPSK 1/2)) @@@Text for cinr_correct@@@ (0) @@@Text for cinr_reuse_factor@@@ (0) @@@Text for subch_threshold.1@@@ (87 (threshold of class2 after Enty)) @@@Text for dl_cn_list_a.8@@@ (27 (64QAM 3/4)) @@@Text for pdu_sn_wait_time@@@ (10) @@@Text for dl_cn_list.0@@@ (8 (QPSK 1/2 x4)) @@@Text for subch_limit.1@@@ (8 (limit value of class1 after Enty)) @@@Text for dl_cn_list_a.3@@@ (14 (QPSK 3/4)) @@@Text for rate_down_count@@@ (3) Time interval between N+I extended IE. (Units: frames) [0..255] (10) @@@Text for dl_cn_list.9@@@ (28 (64QAM 5/6)) @@@Text for pathloss_correct@@@ (0) @@@Text for dl_cn_list_b.6@@@ (23 (64QAM 1/2)) @@@Text for hr_power_mergin@@@ (-24) @@@Text for rssi_correct@@@ (62) @@@Text for dl_cn_list.4@@@ (18 (16QAM 1/2)) @@@Text for MIMO_feedback_cycle@@@ (0) @@@Text for dl_cn_list_b.1@@@ (9 (QPSK 1/2 x2)) @@@Text for alpha_p_avg@@@ (0) @@@Text for dl_cn_list_a.7@@@ (25 (64QAM 2/3)) @@@Text for cinr_measure_priority@@@ (0x0104) @@@Text for dl_cn_list@@@ (0x08090A0E121617191B1C) @@@Text for subch_threshold.0@@@ (84 (threshold of class1 after Enty)) @@@Text for rate_up_count@@@ (7) @@@Text for dl_cn_list_a.2@@@ (10 (QPSK 1/2)) Offset value for open loop power control. (Units: db) [-32..31.75] (0) @@@Text for subch_limit.0@@@ (4 (limit value before Enty)) Report interval for REP-REQ/RSP. (Units: s) [0..60] (0) @@@Text for dl_cn_list.8@@@ (27 (64QAM 3/4)) @@@Text for dl_cn_list_b.5@@@ (20 (16QAM 3/4)) @@@Text for la_dl@@@ (1) }}}