= 9. WiMAX RF Aggregate Manager Service = wimaxrf is an Aggregate Manager (AM) that is used to configure and control WiMAX (Basestation) RF Section. [[TOC(WiMAX/17*, depth=2, heading=WiMAX RF Aggregate Manager)]] == Installation for NEC BS == {{{ apt-get install omf-wimaxrf-aggmgr-5.2 }}} Please confirm that the most current packages of the software are installed. You can check it [[BR]] with the following commands. {{{ dpkg -l | egrep 'omf-|asn-gw|click' }}} Current version for omf-common-5.2 is 4 and [[BR]] Current version for omf-aggmgr-5.2 is 6 {{{ ii omf-aggmgr-5.2 ubuntu6 OMF Aggregate Manager ii omf-common-5.2 ubuntu4 Common ruby classes for OMF }}} '''In case of wrong version''' please remove the two packages and reinstall them.[[BR]] {{{ apt-get --purge remove omf-aggmgr-5.2 omf-common-5.2 apt-get install omf-aggmgr-5.2 dpkg -l | grep omf- }}} == Installation for Airspan BS == {{{ apt-get install click wimaxrf }}} This will install the WimaxRF AM service along with the required OMF packages and the Click software router. An ASN gateway is not needed to operate the Airspan base station. Please confirm that the most current packages of the software are installed. You can check them with the following command. {{{ dpkg -l | egrep 'omf-|click|wimaxrf' }}} The output should be similar to this: {{{ ii omf-aggmgr-5.2 ubuntu6 OMF Aggregate Manager ii omf-common-5.2 ubuntu4 Common ruby classes for OMF }}} == Configuration == The configuration file for wimaxrf AM is in the same location as for all the other OMF AM services in `/etc/omf-aggmgr-5.4/available/wimaxrf.yaml`. The configuration file consists of multiple sections relating to different components of the services. Default parameter values are shown in []; Bold font indicates mandatory parameters. {{{ wimaxrf: }}} === database section === {{{ database: dbFile: 'db/wimaxrf.db' reset: file: '/defaults/reset.xml' }}} * '''dbFile''': SQLite 3.x database file that contains datapaths configuration and authorized clients. * file: location of the default configuration [none]. The file is an XML file that contains default BS parameters and is used with '''/default''' wimaxrf service. === asngw section === This section is unused on Airspan and thus ignored. {{{ asngw: if: eth1 ip: rcvport: 54321 sndport: 54321 id: ASNGW000 tecnh: 3 dsc: IP-Config-Mgmt }}} === bs section === {{{ bs: type: airspan/nec bsid: 44:51:db:00:xx:yy ip: 10.3.x.y mask: mgmt_if: eth0.1 data_if: eth0 frequency: 2590000 stats: localoml: :omlServer: oml.orbit-lab.org interval: 20 globaloml: :omlServer: oml.orbit-lab.org }}} * '''type''': BS type, `airspan` and `nec` are currently supported * '''bsid''': globally-assigned ID of the base station * '''ip''': the base station IP address * '''mgmt_if''': the name of the network interface on the local machine that is used to communicate with the base station for management purposes (e.g. SNMP calls, traps, etc...) * '''data_if''': the name of the network interface over which data traffic to and from the BS will flow. Can be the same as `mgmt_if` * The '''localoml''' section is used to specify the OML server that will receive client-related measurements while '''globaloml''' server section is used to configure parameters that are used by global GENI-wide logging process (should point at `oml.orbit-lab.org` until GENI gmoc takes over reporting function). Both are configured with two parameters: * ''':omlServer:''': value is the hostname of your OML server. If you wish to install the oml2 server on your host locally, please do so by the following commands. {{{ apt-get install oml2-server }}} and then point the omlServer value to your localhost. * interval: collection interval in seconds (defaults: [10] for localoml and [300] for globaloml) === datapath: section === {{{ datapath: manage_interface: true }}} * manage_interface [false]: whether wimaxrf is allowed to create and destroy VLANs on the datapath interface when adding or deleting datapaths via `/datapath/add` and `/datapath/delete`. If set to false, the system administrator must ensure that any required VLANs have been properly setup prior to adding the datapath to wimaxrf. Each of the sections in this file should be modified to reflect your deployment configuration (please keep in mind that this is a YAML file and that it depends heavily on spaces and not TABs). Once the configuration file is ready, you have to enable the service by creating a symbolic link in /etc/omf-aggmgr-5.4/enabled: {{{ cd /etc/omf-aggmgr-5.4/enabled ln -s ../available/wimaxrf.yaml }}} and restarting the OMF aggregate manager service: {{{ /etc/init.d/omf-aggmgr-5.4 restart }}} === Example NEC configuration === {{{ # NOTE: use only 'spaces' to indent ! # ('tab' indents are not supported by the ruby yaml parser used to read this file) # # This is the Config file for the WiMAXRF GridService # --- wimaxrf: database: dbFile: '/db/wimaxrf.db' reset: file: '/defaults/reset.xml' asngw: if: eth1 ip: rcvport: 54321 sndport: 54321 id: ASNGW000 tecnh: 3 dsc: IP-Config-Mgmt bs: type: nec ip: mask: bsid: 44:51:DB:00:00:01 frequency: 2590000 stats: localoml: :omlServer: oml.orbit-lab.org interval: 10 globaloml: :omlServer: oml.orbit-lab.org datapath: datapathif: eth0 }}} === Example Airspan configuration === {{{ # NOTE: use only 'spaces' to indent ! # ('tab' indents are not supported by the ruby yaml parser used to read this file) # # This is the Config file for the WiMAXRF GridService # --- wimaxrf: database: dbFile: 'db/wimaxrf.db' bs: type: airspan bsid: 44:51:db:00:00:10 ip: mask: mgmt_if: eth1 data_if: eth1.500 frequency: 2572000 stats: localoml: :omlServer: oml.orbit-lab.org globaloml: :omlServer: oml.orbit-lab.org datapath: manage_interface: true }}}