=== ip L2TP Connectivity === [[TOC(dSite/mConnectivity*)]] ==== Installing the Prerequisite Software ==== We're using the ip l2tp tunnels that have been part of the linux kernels since verion 2.6.35. To use it you must load the l2tp_eth module (manually) as this support is not loaded automatically. Tunnels are built in a 2 stage process that uses ''/etc/network/interfaces'' and the script that brings the interfaces up (''tunnel.sh''). ==== Configuring the tunnel ==== ''/etc/network/interfaces'' should look like: {{{ # This file describes the network interfaces available on your system # and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5). # The loopback network interface auto lo iface lo inet loopback # The primary network interface - this is the outbound interface (static assignment) auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static address XXX.YYY.ZZZ.111 netmask gateway XXX.YYY.ZZZ.1 dns-nameservers auto eth1 iface eth1 inet manual }}} The convention we've adopted is that '''eth0 is the externally route-able interface''' and '''eth1''' is local subnet interface (please note that it doesn't need an IP address at this stage). The tunnel script (''tunnel.sh'') looks like: {{{ #!/bin/bash modprobe l2tp_eth ifconfig eth1 up ip l2tp add tunnel remote local XXX.YYY.ZZZ.1111 \ tunnel_id 1 peer_tunnel_id 1 udp_sport 3000 udp_dport 3000 encap udp ip l2tp add session name l2tpsess1 \ tunnel_id 1 session_id 1 peer_session_id 1 ip link set l2tpsess1 up mtu 1446 ip link add brvlan1 type bridge ip link set l2tpsess1 master brvlan1 ip link set eth1 master brvlan1 ifconfig brvlan1 up }}} This script preforms the following actions: 1. Loads the l2tp kernel module 1. Brings up the local interfaces 1. Brings up the tunnel 1. Creates the session for the interface 1. Creates the bridge 1. Connects the session interface to the local (i.e. bridge the two interfaces) 1. Brings the bridge up. You can check the newly created bridge functionality after running the script by executing: {{{ root@landing1:/root# brctl show brvlan1 bridge name bridge id STP enabled interfaces brvlan1 8000.003048b19da9 no eth1 l2tpsess1 }}}